Sunday, February 23, 2014

Course Reflection

Reflection is essential for growth. As I look back at everything we have covered throughout this course, I can see areas where my views have stayed the same, areas where I would like to change, and an opportunity to create goals for the future.

At the beginning of this course, I wrote a paper discussing my personal learning theory. In it, I stated that that my belief is that past experiences have a huge impact on student learning, learning is deepened when students are actively engaged, and collaborative activities are highly beneficial. These ideas fall under the constructivism, cognitivist and social learning theories. After looking back at this paper and reflecting upon what we have learned throughout this course, I would say that my learning theory has not changed. I would say, however, that this course has deepened my understanding of each of these theories and strengthened my opinion related to their effectiveness. With relation to technology that falls under these learning theories, this course provided numerous examples of tools and programs available related to my personal learning theory that I can now incorporate into my classroom to enhance student learning.

As stated previously, this course has examined a wide variety of technology based tools that are both instructional tools and learning tools. It is important to note that instructional tools are technology based tools that are teacher centered while learning tools provide opportunity for student engagement (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010). Before exploring these tools, my technology repertoire consisted mostly of instructional tools. I am excited about the new possibilities that I see now with the use of learning tools. I would like to utilize SpiderScribe, WebQuests, and VoiceThread in my classroom often in the future. I found these tools to be highly effective and great tools for enhancing student learning.

Looking into the future, I would like to set two goals related to my use of technology in the classroom. First, I would like to include at least one technology based learning tool per month that allows for student creation and engagement. Students learn best when they are actively engaged in their learning (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010). With each unit, I will find a way to incorporate technology in a manner that allows students to be in the driver’s seat of their learning. To achieve this goal, I will have to strategically plan my lessons to include these activities and explore the various tools available related to the content we are covering. My second goal is to set up an online gallery/website where I will display students’ work. I will post new work monthly. This will provide great recognition for my students and hopefully result in greater motivation. 


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010). Technology: instructional tool vs. learning tool [Video webcast]. Retrieved from

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